First up is the signature color I created for the Green Room in Camrose. It is a deep green base with fiery sparks of red and gold. When I make a signature color, a lot of it has to do with the time of year it is, and how I'm feeling at that point. This delivery was on Christmas Eve, so of course it has Christmas written all over it.
This color is only available from the Green Room in Camrose, or from myself, retailing for $20 CDN. These are the last 3 jars that I will be making of this color before next Christmas.
Next up is Flora, a delicate purple lilac color which some may or may not already be familiar with, as I have used it in the DSK Steph palette I made in November. Any color I make can be pressed into a custom palette.
I'm also aware I take massively blurry photos. I should really work on that.
Lastly, a container of all the jars I filled yesterday.
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